User guide

TaylorSeries.jl can be thought of as a polynomial algebraic manipulator in one or more variables; these two cases are treated separately. Three new types are defined, Taylor1, HomogeneousPolynomial and TaylorN, which correspond to expansions in one independent variable, homogeneous polynomials of various variables, and the polynomial series in many independent variables, respectively. These types are subtypes of Number and are defined parametrically.

The package is loaded as usual:

In [1]:
using TaylorSeries

One variable

Taylor expansions in one variable are represented by the Taylor1 type, which consists of a vector of coefficients (field coeffs) and the maximum order considered for the expansion (field order). The coefficients are arranged in ascending order with respect to the power of the independent variable, so that coeffs[1] is the constant term, coeffs[2] gives the first order term, etc. This is a dense representation of the polynomial. The order of the polynomial can be omitted in the constructor, which is then fixed from the length of the vector of coefficients; otherwise, the maximum of the length of the vector of coefficients and the given integer is taken.

In [2]:
Taylor1([1, 2, 3]) # Polynomial of order 2 with coefficients 1, 2, 3

 1 + 2 t + 3 t² + 𝒪(t³)

In [3]:
Taylor1([0.0, 1im]) # Also works with complex numbers

 ( 1.0 im ) t + 𝒪(t²)

In [4]:
affine(a) = a + taylor1_variable(typeof(a),5)  ## a + t of order 5

affine (generic function with 1 method)

In [5]:
t = affine(0.0) # Independent variable `t`

 1.0 t + 𝒪(t⁶)

Note that the information about the maximum order considered is displayed using a big-O notation.

The definition of affine(a) uses the function taylor1_variable, which is a shortcut to define the independent variable of a Taylor expansion, with a given type and given order. As we show below, this is one of the easiest ways to work with the package.

The usual arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, ^, ==) have been extended to work with the Taylor1 type, including promotions that involve Numbers. The operations return a valid Taylor expansion with the same maximum order; compare the last example below, where this is not possible:

In [6]:

 2.5 t + 3.0 t² + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [7]:

 1.0 + 1.0 t + 1.0 t² + 1.0 t³ + 1.0 t⁴ + 1.0 t⁵ + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [8]:

 - 2.0 t + 1.0 t² + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [9]:
tI = im*t

 ( 1.0 im ) t + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [10]:
t^6  # order is 5

 0.0 + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [11]:

 1.0 - 3.2 t + 3.5200000000000005 t² - 1.4080000000000004 t³ + 0.07040000000000009 t⁴ + 0.011264000000000012 t⁵ + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [12]:

 1.0 + 1.0 t² - 0.5 t³ + 0.8333333333333333 t⁴ - 0.75 t⁵ + 𝒪(t⁶)

If no valid Taylor expansion can be computed, an error is thrown.

In [13]:

LoadError: ArgumentError: Division does not define a Taylor1 polynomial
or its first non-zero coefficient is Inf/NaN.
Order k=0 => coeff[1]=Inf.
while loading In[13], in expression starting on line 1

 in divfactorization at /Users/benet/.julia/v0.4/TaylorSeries/src/Taylor1.jl:253
 in / at /Users/benet/.julia/v0.4/TaylorSeries/src/Taylor1.jl:229
 in / at ./promotion.jl:170

In [14]:

LoadError: ArgumentError: The 0th order Taylor1 coefficient must be non-zero
to raise the Taylor1 polynomial to a non-integer exponent.
while loading In[14], in expression starting on line 1

 in ^ at /Users/benet/.julia/v0.4/TaylorSeries/src/Taylor1.jl:368

Several elementary functions have been implemented; these compute their coefficients recursively. So far, these functions are exp, log, sqrt, sin, cos and tan; more will be added in the future. Note that this way of obtaining the Taylor coefficients is not the laziest way, in particular for many independent variables. Yet, it is quite efficient, especially for the integration of ordinary differential equations, which is among the applications we have in mind.

In [15]:

 1.0 + 1.0 t + 0.5 t² + 0.16666666666666666 t³ + 0.041666666666666664 t⁴ + 0.008333333333333333 t⁵ + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [16]:

 - 1.0 t - 0.5 t² - 0.3333333333333333 t³ - 0.25 t⁴ - 0.2 t⁵ + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [17]:

LoadError: ArgumentError: First non-vanishing Taylor1 coefficient must correspond
to an **even power** in order to expand `sqrt` around 0.
while loading In[17], in expression starting on line 1

 in sqrt at /Users/benet/.julia/v0.4/TaylorSeries/src/Taylor1.jl:440

In [18]:
sqrt(1 + t)

 1.0 + 0.5 t - 0.125 t² + 0.0625 t³ - 0.0390625 t⁴ + 0.02734375 t⁵ + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [19]:

 - 1.0 t + 0.16666666666666666 t³ - 0.008333333333333333 t⁵ + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [20]:
real(exp(Taylor1([0.0,1im],17))) - cos(Taylor1([0.0,1.0],17)) == 0.0


In [21]:
convert(Taylor1{Rational{Int64}}, exp(t))

 1//1 + 1//1 t + 1//2 t² + 1//6 t³ + 1//24 t⁴ + 1//120 t⁵ + 𝒪(t⁶)

Differentiating and integrating is straightforward for polynomial expansions in one variable. The last coefficient of a derivative is set to zero to keep the same order as the original polynomial; for the integral, an integration constant may be set to a different value (the default is zero). The order of the resulting polynomial is not changed. The $n$-th ($n \ge 0$) derivative is obtained using deriv(a,n), where a is a Taylor series; the default is $n=1$.

In [22]:

 1.0 + 1.0 t + 0.5 t² + 0.16666666666666666 t³ + 0.041666666666666664 t⁴ + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [23]:

 1.0 t + 0.5 t² + 0.16666666666666666 t³ + 0.041666666666666664 t⁴ + 0.008333333333333333 t⁵ + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [24]:
integTaylor( exp(t), 1.0)

 1.0 + 1.0 t + 0.5 t² + 0.16666666666666666 t³ + 0.041666666666666664 t⁴ + 0.008333333333333333 t⁵ + 𝒪(t⁶)

In [25]:
integTaylor( diffTaylor( exp(-t)), 1.0 ) == exp(-t)


In [26]:
deriv( exp(affine(1.0))) == exp(1.0)  # deriv of exp(1+t) at t=0


In [27]:
deriv( exp(affine(1.0)), 5) == exp(1.0) # Fifth derivative of `exp(1+t)`


To evaluate a Taylor series at a point, Horner's rule is used via the function evaluate(a::Taylor, dt::Number). Here, $dt$ is the increment from the point $t_0$ where the Taylor expansion is calculated, i.e., the series is evaluated at $t = t_0 + dt$. Omitting $dt$ corresponds to $dt = 0$.

In [28]:
evaluate(exp(affine(1.0))) - e # exp(t) around t0=1 (order 5), evaluated there (dt=0)


In [29]:
evaluate(exp(t), 1) - e # exp(t) around t0=0 (order 5), evaluated at t=1


In [30]:
evaluate( exp( taylor1_variable(17) ), 1) - e # exp(t) around t0=0 (order 17), evaluated at t=1


In [31]:
tBig = Taylor1([zero(BigFloat),one(BigFloat)],50) # With BigFloats

 1.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 t + 𝒪(t⁵¹)

In [32]:
eBig = evaluate( exp(tBig), one(BigFloat) )


In [33]:
e - eBig


Many variables

A polynomial in $N>1$ variables can be represented in (at least) two ways: As a vector whose coefficients are homogeneous polynomials of fixed degree, or as a vector whose coefficients are polynomials in $N-1$ variables. We have opted to implement the first option, which seems to show better performance. An elegant (lazy) implementation of the second representation was discussed on the julia-users list.

TaylorN is thus constructed as a vector of parameterized homogeneous polynomials defined by the type HomogeneousPolynomial, which in turn is a vector of coefficients of given order (degree). This implementation imposes that the user has to specify the (maximum) order and the number of independent variables, which is done using the set_variables(names) function. names is a string consisting of the desired output names of the variables, separated by spaces. A vector of the resulting Taylor variables is returned:

In [34]:
x, y = set_variables("x y")

2-element Array{TaylorSeries.TaylorN{Float64},1}:
  1.0 x + 𝒪(‖x‖⁷)
  1.0 y + 𝒪(‖x‖⁷)

In [35]:

 1.0 x + 𝒪(‖x‖⁷)

In [36]:


In [37]:


In [38]:

7-element Array{TaylorSeries.HomogeneousPolynomial{Float64},1}:
  1.0 x

As shown, the resulting objects are of TaylorN{Float64} type. There is an optional order keyword argument for set_variables:

In [39]:
set_variables("x y", order=10)

2-element Array{TaylorSeries.TaylorN{Float64},1}:
  1.0 x + 𝒪(‖x‖¹¹)
  1.0 y + 𝒪(‖x‖¹¹)

Numbered variables are also available by specifying a single variable name and the optional keyword argument numvars:

In [40]:
set_variables("α", numvars=3)

3-element Array{TaylorSeries.TaylorN{Float64},1}:
  1.0 α₁ + 𝒪(‖x‖⁷)
  1.0 α₂ + 𝒪(‖x‖⁷)
  1.0 α₃ + 𝒪(‖x‖⁷)

The function `show_params_TaylorN() displays the current values of the parameters, in an info block.

In [41]:

INFO: Parameters for `TaylorN` and `HomogeneousPolynomial`:
Maximum order       = 6
Number of variables = 3
Variable names      = UTF8String["α₁","α₂","α₃"]

Internally, changing these parameters defines dictionaries that translate the position of the coefficients of a HomogeneousPolynomial into the corresponding multi-variable monomials. Fixing these values from the start is imperative.

The easiest way to construct a TaylorN object is by defining symbols for the independent variables, as above. Again, the Taylor expansions are implemented around 0 for all variables; if the expansion is needed around a different value, the trick is a simple translation of the corresponding independent variable $x \to x+a$.

Other ways of constructing TaylorN polynomials involve using HomogeneousPolynomial objects directly, which is uncomfortable:

In [42]:
set_variables("x", numvars=2);

In [43]:

 1 x₁ - 1 x₂

In [44]:
TaylorN( [HomogeneousPolynomial([1,0]), HomogeneousPolynomial([1,2,3])], 4)

 1 x₁ + 1 x₁² + 2 x₁ x₂ + 3 x₂² + 𝒪(‖x‖⁵)

As before, the usual arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, ^, ==) have been extended to work with TaylorN objects, including the appropriate promotions to deal with numbers. (Some of the arithmetic operations have also been extended for HomogeneousPolynomial, whenever the result is a HomogeneousPolynomial; division, for instance, is not extended.) Also, the elementary functions have been implemented, again by computing their coefficients recursively:

In [45]:
x, y = set_variables("x y", order=10);

In [46]:
exy = exp(x+y)

 1.0 + 1.0 x + 1.0 y + 0.5 x² + 1.0 x y + 0.5 y² + 0.16666666666666666 x³ + 0.5 x² y + 0.5 x y² + 0.16666666666666666 y³ + 0.041666666666666664 x⁴ + 0.16666666666666666 x³ y + 0.25 x² y² + 0.16666666666666666 x y³ + 0.041666666666666664 y⁴ + 0.008333333333333333 x⁵ + 0.041666666666666664 x⁴ y + 0.08333333333333333 x³ y² + 0.08333333333333333 x² y³ + 0.041666666666666664 x y⁴ + 0.008333333333333333 y⁵ + 0.0013888888888888887 x⁶ + 0.008333333333333331 x⁵ y + 0.020833333333333332 x⁴ y² + 0.027777777777777776 x³ y³ + 0.020833333333333332 x² y⁴ + 0.008333333333333331 x y⁵ + 0.0013888888888888887 y⁶ + 0.00019841269841269839 x⁷ + 0.0013888888888888885 x⁶ y + 0.004166666666666666 x⁵ y² + 0.006944444444444443 x⁴ y³ + 0.006944444444444443 x³ y⁴ + 0.004166666666666666 x² y⁵ + 0.0013888888888888885 x y⁶ + 0.00019841269841269839 y⁷ + 2.4801587301587298e-5 x⁸ + 0.00019841269841269836 x⁷ y + 0.0006944444444444443 x⁶ y² + 0.0013888888888888887 x⁵ y³ + 0.0017361111111111108 x⁴ y⁴ + 0.0013888888888888887 x³ y⁵ + 0.0006944444444444443 x² y⁶ + 0.00019841269841269836 x y⁷ + 2.4801587301587298e-5 y⁸ + 2.7557319223985884e-6 x⁹ + 2.4801587301587295e-5 x⁸ y + 9.920634920634918e-5 x⁷ y² + 0.0002314814814814814 x⁶ y³ + 0.0003472222222222221 x⁵ y⁴ + 0.0003472222222222221 x⁴ y⁵ + 0.0002314814814814814 x³ y⁶ + 9.920634920634918e-5 x² y⁷ + 2.4801587301587295e-5 x y⁸ + 2.7557319223985884e-6 y⁹ + 2.7557319223985883e-7 x¹⁰ + 2.7557319223985884e-6 x⁹ y + 1.2400793650793647e-5 x⁸ y² + 3.306878306878306e-5 x⁷ y³ + 5.787037037037036e-5 x⁶ y⁴ + 6.944444444444443e-5 x⁵ y⁵ + 5.787037037037036e-5 x⁴ y⁶ + 3.306878306878306e-5 x³ y⁷ + 1.2400793650793647e-5 x² y⁸ + 2.7557319223985884e-6 x y⁹ + 2.7557319223985883e-7 y¹⁰ + 𝒪(‖x‖¹¹)

The function get_coeff(a,v) gives the coefficient of a that corresponds to the monomial specified by the vector of powers v:

In [47]:
get_coeff(exy, [3,5]) == 1/720


In [48]:
rationalize(get_coeff(exy, [3,5]))


Partial differentiation is also implemented for TaylorN objects, through diffTaylor; integration is yet to be implemented.

In [49]:
f(x,y) = x^3 + 2x^2 * y - 7x + 2

f (generic function with 1 method)

In [50]:
g(x,y) = y - x^4

g (generic function with 1 method)

In [51]:
diffTaylor( f(x,y), 1 )   # partial derivative with respect to 1st variable

 - 7.0 + 3.0 x² + 4.0 x y + 𝒪(‖x‖¹¹)

In [52]:
diffTaylor( g(x,y), 2 )

 1.0 + 𝒪(‖x‖¹¹)

In [53]:
diffTaylor( g(x,y), 3 )   # error, since we are dealing with 2 variables

LoadError: AssertionError: 1 <= r <= get_numvars()
while loading In[53], in expression starting on line 1

 in diffTaylor at /Users/benet/.julia/v0.4/TaylorSeries/src/TaylorN.jl:813
 in diffTaylor at /Users/benet/.julia/v0.4/TaylorSeries/src/TaylorN.jl:847

evaluate can also be used for TaylorN objects, using it on vectors of numbers (Real or Complex); the length of the vector must coincide with the number of independent variables.

In [54]:
evaluate(exy, [.1,.02]) == e^0.12


Functions to compute the gradient, Jacobian and Hessian have also been implemented. Using the functions $f(x,y) = x^3 + 2x^2 y - 7 x + 2$ and $g(x,y) = y-x^4$ defined above, we may use gradient or (\nabla+TAB); the results are of type Array{TaylorN{T},1}. To compute the Jacobian or Hessian of a vector field evaluated at a point, we use jacobian and hessian:

In [55]:
f1 = f(x,y)

 2.0 - 7.0 x + 1.0 x³ + 2.0 x² y + 𝒪(‖x‖¹¹)

In [56]:
g1 = g(x,y)

 1.0 y - 1.0 x⁴ + 𝒪(‖x‖¹¹)

In [57]:
gradient( g1 )

2-element Array{TaylorSeries.TaylorN{Float64},1}:
  - 4.0 x³ + 𝒪(‖x‖¹¹)
       1.0 + 𝒪(‖x‖¹¹)

In [58]:

2-element Array{TaylorSeries.TaylorN{Float64},1}:
  - 7.0 + 3.0 x² + 4.0 x y + 𝒪(‖x‖¹¹)
                    2.0 x² + 𝒪(‖x‖¹¹)

In [59]:
fg = f1-g1-2*f1*g1

 2.0 - 7.0 x - 5.0 y + 14.0 x y + 1.0 x³ + 2.0 x² y + 5.0 x⁴ - 2.0 x³ y - 4.0 x² y² - 14.0 x⁵ + 2.0 x⁷ + 4.0 x⁶ y + 𝒪(‖x‖¹¹)

In [60]:
jacobian([f1,g1], [2,1])

2x2 Array{Float64,2}:
  13.0  8.0
 -32.0  1.0

In [61]:
hessian(fg, [1.0,1.0])

2x2 Array{Float64,2}:
 -26.0  20.0
  20.0  -8.0


1. Four-square identity

Euler proved the following four-square identity:

\begin{eqnarray} (a_1+a_2+a_3+a_4) \cdot (b_1+b_2+b_3+b_4) &=& (a_1 b_1 - a_2 b_2 - a_3 b_3 -a_4 b_4)^2 \\ & & + (a_1 b_2 - a_2 b_1 - a_3 b_4 -a_4 b_3)^2 \\ & & + (a_1 b_3 - a_2 b_4 - a_3 b_1 -a_4 b_2)^2 \\ & & + (a_1 b_4 - a_2 b_3 - a_3 b_2 -a_4 b_1)^2. \end{eqnarray}

The following code checks this; it can also be found in the test suite for the package.

We first define the variables:

In [62]:
# Define the variables α₁, ..., α₄, β₁, ..., β₄
make_variable(name, index::Int) = string(name, TaylorSeries.subscriptify(index))

make_variable (generic function with 1 method)

In [63]:
variable_names = [make_variable("α", i) for i in 1:4];

append!(variable_names, [make_variable("β", i) for i in 1:4]);

In [64]:
# Create the Taylor objects (order 4, numvars=8)
a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, b4 = set_variables(variable_names, order=4);

In [65]:

 1.0 α₁ + 𝒪(‖x‖⁵)

In [66]:

 1.0 β₁ + 𝒪(‖x‖⁵)

Now we compute each term appearing in the above equation, and compare them

In [67]:
# left-hand side
lhs1 = a1^2 + a2^2 + a3^2 + a4^2;
lhs2 = b1^2 + b2^2 + b3^2 + b4^2;
lhs = lhs1 * lhs2

 1.0 α₁² β₁² + 1.0 α₁² β₂² + 1.0 α₁² β₃² + 1.0 α₁² β₄² + 1.0 α₂² β₁² + 1.0 α₂² β₂² + 1.0 α₂² β₃² + 1.0 α₂² β₄² + 1.0 α₃² β₁² + 1.0 α₃² β₂² + 1.0 α₃² β₃² + 1.0 α₃² β₄² + 1.0 α₄² β₁² + 1.0 α₄² β₂² + 1.0 α₄² β₃² + 1.0 α₄² β₄² + 𝒪(‖x‖⁵)

In [68]:
# right-hand side
rhs1 = (a1*b1 - a2*b2 - a3*b3 - a4*b4)^2;
rhs2 = (a1*b2 + a2*b1 + a3*b4 - a4*b3)^2;
rhs3 = (a1*b3 - a2*b4 + a3*b1 + a4*b2)^2;
rhs4 = (a1*b4 + a2*b3 - a3*b2 + a4*b1)^2; 
rhs = rhs1 + rhs2 + rhs3 + rhs4

 1.0 α₁² β₁² + 1.0 α₁² β₂² + 1.0 α₁² β₃² + 1.0 α₁² β₄² + 1.0 α₂² β₁² + 1.0 α₂² β₂² + 1.0 α₂² β₃² + 1.0 α₂² β₄² + 1.0 α₃² β₁² + 1.0 α₃² β₂² + 1.0 α₃² β₃² + 1.0 α₃² β₄² + 1.0 α₄² β₁² + 1.0 α₄² β₂² + 1.0 α₄² β₃² + 1.0 α₄² β₄² + 𝒪(‖x‖⁵)

In [69]:
lhs == rhs


The identity is thus satisfied.

2. Fateman test

Richard J. Fateman, from Berkley, proposed as a stringent test of polynomial multiplication the evaluation of $s \cdot (s+1)$, where $s := (1+x+y+z+w)^{20}$. This is implemented in the function fateman1 below. We also evaluate the alternative form $s^2+s$ in fateman2, which involves fewer operations (and makes a fairer comparison to what Mathematica does). Below we have used Julia v0.4.

In [70]:
set_variables("x", numvars=4, order=40);

In [71]:
function fateman1(degree::Int)
    T = Int128
    oneH = HomogeneousPolynomial(one(T), 0)
    # s = 1 + x + y + z + w
    s = TaylorN( [oneH, HomogeneousPolynomial([one(T),one(T),one(T),one(T)],1)], degree )
    s = s^degree  
    # s is converted to order 2*ndeg
    s = TaylorN(s, 2*degree)
    s * ( s+TaylorN(oneH, 2*degree) )

fateman1 (generic function with 1 method)

In [72]:
@time f1 = fateman1(0);

  0.285213 seconds (211.72 k allocations: 9.796 MB, 1.41% gc time)

In [73]:
@time f1 = fateman1(20);

  2.468378 seconds (3.43 k allocations: 20.112 MB, 0.13% gc time)

Another implementation of the same:

In [74]:
function fateman2(degree::Int)
    T = Int128
    oneH = HomogeneousPolynomial(one(T), 0)
    # s = 1 + x + y + z + w
    s = TaylorN( [oneH, HomogeneousPolynomial([one(T),one(T),one(T),one(T)],1)], degree )
    s = s^degree
    # s is converted to order 2*ndeg
    s = TaylorN(s, 2*degree)
    return s^2 + s

fateman2 (generic function with 1 method)

In [75]:
@time f2 = fateman2(0);

  0.009826 seconds (7.46 k allocations: 328.634 KB)

In [76]:
@time f2 = fateman2(20);

  1.263871 seconds (3.42 k allocations: 20.111 MB, 0.21% gc time)

In [77]:
get_coeff(f2,[1,6,7,20]) # coef x^1 y^6 z^7 w^{20}


In [78]:
sum(TaylorSeries.size_table) # number of distinct monomials


The tests above show the necessity of using Int128, that fateman2 is about twice as fast as fateman1, and that the series has 135751 monomials on 4 variables.

Mathematica (version 10.2) requires 3.137023 seconds. Then, with TaylorSeries v0.1.2, our implementation of fateman1 is about 20% faster, and fateman2 is more than a factor 2 faster. (The original test by Fateman corresponds to fateman1, which avoids optimizations in ^2.)

In [ ]: